Universal Orbit
A Schematic of Decision Making: Corporate Finance and Capital Markets
Fundamental investment research and institutional marketing roles in both domestic and international firms. Demonstrated principles of corporate finance, relative value and competitive market information in an absolute return environment with particular interest in corporate composition and related ecosystem dynamics.
> Benchmark index applications of peer group analytics and valuation across global capital markets and asset classes, along sector proxies and within industry verticals to provide effective correlations and the directional value of securities (strategies: conventional, index-plus, long/short, niche, thematic, megatrend, factor-based).
> Develop Clean Energy capital market Alpha and Alpha-Beta screens in a combined Renewables/Diversified Industrials/Technology sector-themed overlay via business segment operations to isolate differentiated growth rates and capture resultant performance dispersion embedded in assigned benchmark indexes.
> Established a public forum advocating one Energy equation, from Oil & Gas to Renewables, based on the US Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration policy and period forecasts.
> Analytical capabilities support: 1) identification of catalysts for corporate actions on a macro, sector, industry, subindustry and company-specific basis, 2) evaluation of capital structure and corporate financings (debt and equity), 3) impact analysis of sovereign, supranational, federal, state and municipal policies, 4) isolation of economic cycles/subcycles within greater cyclicalities, 5) solvency/liquidity assessments, 6) ability to address structural market data inefficiencies and 7) thematic capture.
> Functional competencies: strategy, forecasting, due diligence, financial and project management.
related publications:
Alpha, Beta, Alpha-Beta 2024
<U/O> Tutorial_5: Performance Dispersion (Meta) 2023
Data Refinement: Business Segment Operations (BSOs) 2023
<U/O> Matrix - Applied Indexation: Establishing Predictive Value 2022/20/19/18/17
<U/O> Applied Indexation …a brief tutorial. 2021
Thematic Alpha-Beta Screening via Applied Indexation 2020
The Tangential Path to Alpha 2018
As the Earth Breathes 2017
Can Smart Beta think (twice)? 2017
<U/O> ETF Proxy Flashcharts 2017/16
View From the Bottom: Reconciling Managed Fund and Allocated Strategies 2016
High Yield Energy: Paths of Valuation and Correlated Effects 2015
The Uncorrelated 2015
The Case for High Multiples 2014
Can Smart Beta think? 2014
Peer Group Analytics and Valuation, an Abstraction 2014
EPV: Establishing Predictive Value (1-6) 2014/13
Alternative Energy: Today, the Future and the SuperFuture (1-5) 2013/12/11
Beyond Alternative Energy 2011